Running a program

Sample program

print("hello world")

Run program:

❯ python3
hello world

Single line comment

#This is a comment
print("Hello, World!")

Inline comment

print("Hello, World!") #This is a comment

Multi-line comments

#This is a comment
#written in
#more than just one line
print("Hello, World!")


This is a comment
written in
more than just one line
print("Hello, World!")
Creating Variable

Python has no command for declaring a variable. A variable is created the moment you first assign a value to it.

x = 5
y = "John"
Dynamic Type

Variables do not need to be declared with any particular type, and can even change type after they have been set.

x = 4       # x is of type int
x = "Sally" # x is now of type str
x = str(3)    # x will be '3'
y = int(3)    # y will be 3
z = float(3)  # z will be 3.0
Getting Type of a Variable

You can get the data type of a variable with the type() function.

x = 5
y = "John"
Single Quote vs Double Quote
x = "John"
# is the same as
x = 'John'
Case sensitivity

Variable names are case-sensitive. This will create two variables:

a = 4
A = "Sally"
#A will not overwrite a
Variable naming convention

Variable name must follow the criteria:

  • A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
  • A variable name cannot start with a number
  • A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
  • Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)
myvar = "John"
my_var = "John"
_my_var = "John"
myVar = "John"
MYVAR = "John"
myvar2 = "John"
Batch Assignment: Different values at different variable

Python allows you to assign values to multiple variables in one line:

x, y, z = "Orange", "Banana", "Cherry"

The number of variable in left side must be equal to the number of values in right side. Otherwise, it will give error.

Batch Assignment: One value into multiple variables
x = y = z = "Orange"
Unpacking a Collection

If you have a collection of values in a list, tuple etc. Python allows you extract the values into variables. This is called unpacking.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
x, y, z = fruits
Global Variable

Variables that are created outside of a function (as in all of the examples above) are known as global variables.

Global variables can be used by everyone, both inside of functions and outside.


x = "awesome"

def myfunc():
  x = "fantastic"
  print("Python is " + x)


print("Python is " + x)


Python is fantastic
Python is awesome
Global Variable using `global` Keyword

We can also expose a local variable from inside a function to act as a global variable using global keyword.

Example 1:

def myfunc():
  global x
  x = "fantastic"


print("Python is " + x)


Python is fantastic

Example 2:

x = "awesome"

def myfunc():
  global x
  x = "fantastic"


print("Python is " + x)


Python is fantastic
Built-in Data Types
| Category | Built-in Data Types | |
– |
  • | | Text Type | str | | Numeric Types | int, float, complex | | Sequence Types | list, tuple, range | | Mapping Type | dict | | Set Types | set, frozenset | | Boolean Type | bool | | Binary Types | bytes, bytearray, memoryview |
Get Type of a Variable

Print the data type of the variable x:

x = 5


<class 'int'>
Setting Data-Type of a Variable

When we assign something into a variable, python dynamically set it’s data type according to the value we are trying to assign.

| Example | Data-Type | |

  • |
| | x = "Hello World" | str | | x = 20 | int | | x = 20.5 | float | | x = 1j | complex | | x = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] | list | | x = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") | tuple | | x = range(6) | range | | x = {"name" : "John", "age" : 36} | dict | | x = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"} | set | | x = frozenset({"apple", "banana", "cherry"}) | frozenset | | x = True | bool | | x = b"Hello" | bytes | | x = bytearray(5) | bytearray | | x = memoryview(bytes(5)) | memoryview |
Setting Specific Data-Type
| Example | Data Type | |
  • |
| | x = str("Hello World") | str | | x = int(20) | int | | x = float(20.5) | float | | x = complex(1j) | complex | | x = list(("apple", "banana", "cherry")) | list | | x = tuple(("apple", "banana", "cherry")) | tuple | | x = range(6) | range | | x = dict(name="John", age=36) | dict | | x = set(("apple", "banana", "cherry")) | set | | x = frozenset(("apple", "banana", "cherry")) | frozenset | | x = bool(5) | bool | | x = bytes(5) | bytes | | x = bytearray(5) | bytearray | | x = memoryview(bytes(5)) | memoryview |